Inspiring the Next Generation of Scientists & Stewards
River Watch, a program of the Friends of the Minnesota Valley, works with high school science classes to collect water quality data across the Minnesota River Basin. The data is submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, allowing them to monitor the health of less studied waterways. River Watch is driven by 4 Aims:
Knowledge: Develop an understanding of the factors affecting water quality in general, and the Minnesota River Basin in particular.
Practice: Collect water quality data at field testing sites to assist the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency in monitoring the health of understudied waterways in MN River Basin.
Investigation: Reflect on what the data can tell us about the overall health/quality of the waterway, identifying issues facing the water, as well as solutions to reduce pollutants.
Stewardship/Community: Foster a sense of responsibility towards improving the health of the local water resources we all rely on for our wellbeing and survival.

The Minnesota River Basin & its sub-watersheds